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What is Helping Hands?

Helping Hands Ministries (HH) reaches out to local families and individuals of Ridgecrest and the IWV who are our own neighbors, friends, and church members through compassion, support and prayer. We can help with a variety of emergency needs such as food, laundry washes, assistance with prescriptions and more  to those in need in Ridgecrest and the surrounding areas. HH assistance is based on greatest need and availability. We also offer free counseling, guidance and are a safe space. Our staff can help those in need locate additional resources within our area.


Please see below our specific assistance offered through the Ridgecrest Church of the Nazarene. Helping Hands is a ministry partner of NMI Nazarene Missions International. Please call the church office to speak with a pastor for more information or to request assistance (760) 375 - 4433 Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm.

Want to help us continue this community mission?

Click here to donate online to Helping Hands...

Please select "Helping Hands" under FUND

Nazarene Missions International


Every last Monday of the month, RCNAZ Missions is helping those in  need to get their laundry cleaned at the local laundromat. Every human being deserves clean clothes and that shows each person has tremendous worth.


With this project, we are stepping out in faith locally to share the love of Christ by helping our neighbors. Also through this, we have found a wonderful opportunity to build meaningful relationships in our community.

Need help getting your laundry washed?

Come to Laundry Love:


Every last Monday of the month

@ 7:00am - 10:00am 

Last load in at 9:00am 

I-Wash Laundromat

500 W. Atkins Ave (on the corner of Norma Street)

Ridgecrest, CA 93555


We invite our church to help share in this wonderful mission. We are in need of volunteers, donations for washing, soap and dryer sheets. Let help keep this ministry going! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Church Office: 760 - 375 - 4433.

You can help us buy washes and soap! We need approximately $200 each month to maintain this important outreach. Please look for the Laundry Love donation jar at the Welcome Center or donate online:

Click here to donate online to RCNAZ Laundry Love...

Be sure to select "Helping Hands" under FUND and type "Laundry Love" in the note section.

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Our food pantry has non-perishable items which are available for distribution to those in need. Recipients may receive 1 bag of groceries per week (or depending on household size). We may also carry essential and family items such as soap, diapers and wipes. 

Hours (enter through the office):

Monday through Thursday

9:00am to 1:30pm

** BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ** Please call 760-375-4433



We accept any food and essential item donations. Please no open, dented or expired items. Thank you!!

Click here to give a monetary donation toward supplies online to our Food Pantry...

Be sure to select "Helping Hands" under FUND and type "Food Pantry" in the note section.


Community Resources


Oasis Family Resources

814 North Norma Street

Ridgecrest, CA 93555

(866) 327-3074

Pregnancy Care Center

341 E Ridgecrest Blvd. 

Ridgecrest, CA 93555

(760) 384-2273

Salvation Army

151 North Downs Street​

Ridgecrest, CA 93555

(760)  375 -7219

More Information:

Need more resource choices?


Please click on one of the printable Kern County Resource Pamphlet buttons at the top of this page for more complete listings.


Or call the RCNAZ office and ask to speak with Pastor Stephanie

(760) 375-4433.




If you would like to help a local family or individual in need, please consider donating a turkey, a ham or items from our "grocery list" or by giving a cash donation toward our Holiday Baskets. A  $100 donation will give one family a whole basket. RCNAZ partners with Salvation Army and the local community to complete this meaningful mission.


To receive a basket, please apply at Salvation Army during application periods (TBA). RCNAZ, along with other local organizations will help to fill the baskets for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.


If you would like to donate a ham or a turkey, please bring it to RCNAZ church office so we may put in our large freezer. It will be added to a basket in November or December.


Needs coming soon...

Click here to give a monetary donation toward supplies online to our Holiday Baskets...

Be sure to select "Helping Hands" under FUND and type "Holiday Baskets" in the note section.

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Get involved with NMI Nazarene Missions International!


Here is How:  

Want to be involved in our Nazarene Missions International (NMI) projects or our community outreach? You are invited to attend any of our events, meetings or share your support!


Attend a Missions Council Meeting:

We meet once per month to discuss what is going on in NMI.

See contact info below.


What Do Our Missions Volunteers Do? 

Our Missions volunteers share their time and gifts in a variety of collective works such as: 

  • Coordinate efforts within the community and church to make great changes in the world through transformational love and compassion

  • Help with donation receiving, organizing, packing, and shipping items in need to be received at specific destinations 

  • Organizing NMI events, fundraisers and missions trips 

  • Educating the church and local community about our projects and world needs 

  • Provide food or supplies to individuals and families in need

  • Teach, share and disciple others for Jesus

  • Be the hands and feet of Jesus for the sake of others, locally and worldwide

  • Pray for God's purpose and people

Ways to Give to RCNAZ Missions:

1. Pray for NMI Missions:

We can not accomplish God's missions without His help. Please pray for our local and global missions, for our missionaries and those who may receive these blessings.


2. Online:

Click Here... Be sure to select "HELPING HANDS" and specify your donation destination in the note section (such as Holiday Baskets).


3. Offering Box:

Place your gift in the offering box located in the RCNAZ Church foyer.

If you do give a cash or check donation, please make checks payable to the "Ridgecrest Church of the Nazarene." Be sure to write "HELPING HANDS" or the specific offering name in the memo or note area.


Thanks so much for supporting Helping Hands! We are able to serve those in need in Ridgecrest and the Indian Wells Valley because of the donations from our generous and caring church and community, just like you.

Contact RCNAZ NMI: 

Want to get involved? Questions or comments?

Please contact us or call the church office at (760) 375-4433

Beth McCain

NMI President


Learn more about NMI Nazarene Missions International by visiting


Laundry Love
Food Box

Caring for the people of Ridgecrest and the IWV

Food Pantry
Holiday Baskets
Ways to Give
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