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Crisis Care Kits


Nazarene Missions International

School Pal-Paks for NACA

This year our school pal-paks will be taken to the Native American Christian Academy (NACA) in Sun Valley, Arizonia. A donation list will be made available soon.

Road Trip.... TBD! Hosted by your Nazarene Missions Int'l council.

Please pick up a School-Pal Pak donation list for NACA at the Welcome Center.



Next Faith Promise: TBA Year 2025


Every year, Nazarene Missions International (NMI) hosts an annual Faith Promise conference to share our yearly mission and goals with the church. Through Faith Promise, as your local NMI, we achieve our missional goals both locally and worldwide. NMI helps to support sharing the message of Christ throughout the world in a variety of ways such as providing for missionaries and their families, encouraging outreach, helping others in times of crisis, etc. (See more Missions Projects below) Locally, NMI functions to help the Body of Christ focus directly on sharing the love of Jesus as we live as the hands and feet of Jesus.


Together, as RCNAZ church, we play a huge part in sharing the Gospel by serving, giving and praying for our missionaries. Please pray and consider making a pledge to NMI this year and help us to change the world through God's love. Thank you for your support and continued prayers.


Donations toward NMI Faith Promise may be given throughout the year. In fact, many givers make a monthly offering to Faith Promise at their own pace.


ONLINE: Click here to give now to NMI Faith Promise ...

Be sure to select "Missions: Faith Promise" under FUND

OFFERING: Please place cash or check donation in the Offering. Be sure to make checks out to "Ridgecrest Church of the Nazarene" and mark "Faith Promise" in the memo. Please place Pledge cards in the Offering box as well. Thank you for your generous heart!

Upcoming Events

Missions of the Month Coming Up Next: 




Holiday Baskets

Upcoming Local Events:

Please watch for our Missions Moment during morning Worship @ 10:30am. We will be highlighting our Mission of the Month and provide more information.

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Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) walks alongside local and global Nazarene churches in their efforts to meet the needs of children, families, and communities around the world.


Through your partnership, our local congregations are changing the world. NCM is part of our global effort to meet the needs of those less fortunate and/or are in crisis situations.

See more Nazarene Projects at

Click here to donate online to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries...

Please select "Missions: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries"

under FUND.

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RCNAZ directly supports Child Sponsorship, a mission of the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Together, we are currently helping to care for the specific needs of children at the Native American Christian Academy. Your donations to NCM Child Sponsorship helps to provide children in need with school lunches, supplies, health care, clothing, gifts on their birthdays and more. Please pray for this mission. Consider making a one time gift or a monthly donation to help make a difference for our sponsor children at the Native American Christian Academy.

NCM believes in the Holistic Child Development model approach which cares for the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and relational needs of each child to help them grow into the person God intended them to be, as well as in empowering their families and their communities. To find out more about NCM Child Sponsorship, follow this link...

Click here to give to Child Sponsorship online...

Be sure to select "Missions" under FUND and type "Child Sponsorship" in the note section.


Helping Hands Ministries reaches out to local families and individuals who are our own neighbors, friends, and church members who need support and prayers. We want to lift them up! HHM provides for emergency funds and needs, meals, groceries, helps with utility bills, and provides prescriptions to those in need in our own town. Please call the church office or speak to a pastor  for more information.

Helping Hands now has its own page for local info!

Go there now ...

Click here to donate online to Helping Hands...

Please select "Helping Hands" under FUND

2023 NMI


Jane Bird

Marie Piatt

Arnold Moline

June Frederickson

Lucille Pinion

Keith Knepper

Delena Messick

Wayne Meeks

Memorial Roll Dedications:

Sam McCain

Karla Pierce

Thank you for your life of faith and service

in Jesus Christ.

Distinguished Service

Award Presentations:



LINKS Family

Loving, Interested Nazarenes Knowing

and Sharing

Every year, we adopt a new Church of the Nazarene missionary as part of our church family. We send birthday and holiday cards and gifts to let them know we are praying for them and thinking about them all year long.

Please pray for our missionaries, Gary and Penney Zidle. The Eugenio's are currently serving in Africa.

Click here to donate to our LINKS Missionary fund today...

Be sure to select "Other" under FUND and type "LINKS Missionary" in the note area.





1. MAKE A CRISIS CARE KIT: (It's easy!)

Click here for an item list and instructions...


Crisis Care Kits (CCK) provide much needed relief and hope to people who have experienced a disaster or crisis. The Church of the Nazarene distributes CCK's worldwide as they are needed.  Please click the link above for items needed to make a kit. After you have all items on the list, pack them in a 2-2.5 gallon ziplock bag (We may have 2 gallon zip-lock bags on hand. Just ask!). Turn in your Crisis Care Kit to the church office or collection basket. 

Cash or check donations will also help with the much needed shipping costs of Crisis Care Kits.

2. OFFERING PLATE: place a cash or check donation in Offering Plate on Sunday. Be sure to make checks out to Ridgecrest Church of the Nazarene and mark "Crisis Care Kits" in the memo.

3. ONLINE: Click here to donate now to Crisis Care Kits ...

Be sure to select "Missions" under FUND and type "Crisis Care Kits" in the note section.

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Subscribe to NMI Central Newsletter here...

Nazarene Central is the new reading source for NMI Missions.  NMI Central is a weekly email publication focusing on the work of the Church of the Nazarene. Every week prayer needs and praise reports for the global ministries of the Church of the Nazarene and our missionaries will be listed as well as ways you can get involved. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Nazarene Mission books will no longer have new editions, but you can still check out previously published NMI Missions books here or in the Fellowship Hall at RCNAZ: 

Click here for NMI reading books and download options...


Operation Christmas Child: RCNAZ NMI Missions reports 62 boxes were given from our church (with 20 recorded as arriving in Ukraine), 498 were sent from the Indian Wells Valley and 3,868 were sent overall from our Lancaster territory.

Laundry Love: For the month of December in 2023, we helped wash 148 loads of laundry for 14 families (5 of them were new clients). Cost average: $300 per month.

Please remember Laundry Love in your giving.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets: In 2023, there were 56 food boxes and 5 gift cards were given were distributed to families and individuals in need.

September 2023 Alabaster Giving: $876.31 was given!

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Get involved with NMI Nazarene Missions International!


Here is How:  

Want to be involved in our Nazarene Missions International (NMI) projects or our community outreach? You are invited to attend any of our events, meetings or share your support!


Attend a Missions Council Meeting:

We meet once per month to discuss what is going on in NMI.

See contact info below.


What Do Our Missions Volunteers Do? 

Our Missions volunteers share their time and gifts in a variety of collective works such as: 

  • Coordinate efforts within the community and church to make great changes in the world through transformational love and compassion

  • Help with donation receiving, organizing, packing, and shipping items in need to be received at specific destinations 

  • Organizing NMI events, fundraisers and missions trips 

  • Educating the church and local community about our projects and world needs 

  • Provide food or supplies to individuals and families in need

  • Teach, share and disciple others for Jesus

  • Be the hands and feet of Jesus through misson's trips, locally and worldwide

  • Pray for God's purpose for His people

Ways to Give to RCNAZ Missions:

1. Pray for NMI Missions:

We can not accomplish God's missions without His help. Please pray for our local and global missions, for our missionaries and those who may receive these blessings.


2. Online:

Click Here... Be sure to select "MISSIONS" and specify your donation destination in the note section (such as WEF or World Mission Broadcast).


3. Offering Box:

Place your gift in the offering box located in the RCNAZ Church foyer.

If you do give a cash or check donation, please make checks payable to the "Ridgecrest Church of the Nazarene." Be sure to write "MISSIONS" or the specific offering name in the memo or note area.


Thanks so much for supporting Nazarene Missions International! With your partnership, we are able to accomplish our purpose in Christ.

Contact RCNAZ NMI: 

Want to get involved? Questions or comments?

Please contact us or call the church office at (760) 375-4433

Beth McCain

NMI President


Learn more about NMI Nazarene Missions International by visiting


Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Faith Promise
Child Sponsorship
Helping Hands Ministries
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Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

NMI Central Newsletter
RCNAZ Mission Projects
Missions Updates
Ways to Give
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