where GOD meets our everyday
AT RCNAZ we believe we are all {better.together}
We seek for everything we do to be in the context of the relational community.
We don’t see church as a building you go to – rather, we see ourselves as the church living normal lives with the
Gospel intentionality.
As Christ's people we live as family in the normal rhythms of life. We try not to add a bunch of extra things to our already busy lives, but instead want to be intentional about bringing Jesus into the everyday ways we are already living.
On Sundays, we gather as a community to study the scriptures and worship God.

See what is going on...
Bible Studies and Sunday School >> 9:00am
Morning Worship >> 10:30am
During the week, we gather in small groups to as we study Scripture and learn to apply it to our lives and in our local context. Click here to see our Small Groups page...
All are welcome every 1st Sunday of the month for morning worship service, we invite the kids to join in worship and hear a sermon the whole family can enjoy. Coloring pages are provided in the Foyer. Communion will be shared
during service.
Bible Fellowship >> 10:30am
Family Night >> 6:00pm
Groups for adults, teens and kids
Worship Team......................Sunday Praise Team
Are you interested in singing or playing music? We welcome you to visit, play or sing praises with us! Please call the office and ask for Pastor Ken if you are interested in joining our Worship Team (760) 375-4433.
Email our Worship Team or call our office: worship@rcnazarene.org
See our Bulletin Board for more activities ...